Item 17, Page 84





Land At Fishers Farm,

Fishers Road, Staplehurst

Amendment to Heads of Terms


The following Head of Terms is amended to allow for delegated powers to agree the final mitigation contribution for any displaced traffic (rat-running).


·         A financial contribution towards suitable mitigation measures to combat any significant adverse traffic flow conditions as may be established by the monitoring exercise to be conducted (delegated authority to the Head of Planning to agree the financial contribution)


The community learning Head of Terms is amended to be more specific as worded below:



Amendment to Condition 17 (Foul drainage)


This condition is amended to allow details to be provided in a phased manner if required.


Condition 17

The occupation of the development hereby permitted shall not commence on any phase or sub-phase until details of on-site and off-site foul water drainage for that phase or sub-phase have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority in consultation with Southern Water. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. No building shall be occupied or used until its foul water drainage has been completed in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In the interest of pollution and flood prevention.


Amendment to Condition 15

This condition is amended to secure any necessary upgrade of PROW 296 located outside the northwest boundary of the site, to allow safe pedestrian and cycle access along this section of the route. 


Condition 15

No occupation of the development hereby permitted shall take place until the following off-site highways improvements have been made in full. Full details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Local Highways Authority:


a)    Extension of the existing 30mph speed limit and the associated gateway treatment to the east along Headcorn Road.


b)    Any necessary upgrade of PROW 296 outside the northwest boundary of the site to connect to PROW 295, to include a new surface suitable for cyclists and pedestrians where necessary.   




Parish Councillor Lain-Rose


Parish Councillor Lain-Rose has made the following (summarised) comments:


Staplehurst Crossroads:


·      Works contradict Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan

·      Highway safety issues

·      Visual harm from railings

·      Will impede pedestrians


Planning Application:


·      No cohesive approach with neighbouring site


Officer Comment


These points have already been raised and considered in the main report.





The recommendation remains unchanged subject to the amendment to the Heads of Terms and conditions 15 and 17:

The Head of Planning and Development BE DELEGATED POWERS TO GRANT planning permission subject to a legal agreement and conditions.